Thursday, April 15, 2010

SALMAN SAAB the hostel manager IS RESPonsible for the suicide in room 228!!! ?

the poor guy lived in the hostel where they were charging 7000 a month for no real services.....

in the common room they have a TV which has no functioning buttons...when a complaoint was made he said there was no point in repairing them because he "knows" that people use their feet to change the channels...

then there had been the recebnt surge of Wahabi activity in the hostel. With the previous admin no maulvis cud go about shitting anyone but since Salman's been back from Hajj, its been Bin Laden's everywhere bringing maluvis from outside, giving sermons, converting people and declaring kaafirs...yes ismailis they do not conisder muslims and say they are kaafirs or worse....wajib ul Qatal.....thank you Mr Salman ...

there is much much more....

come back soon...

Fuck a Duck!

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