Friday, January 29, 2010

It's a small world after all

Greetings my minions!!

I speak to you these words from the height of the Hindu-kash mountains. Indeed reaching a higher altitude has somewhat cleared my head a bit and made me make some interesting realizations. Man is Animal and that Animal is Dog.

I recently participated in the by-election held in Swat NA-420. Democracy has returned to our valley but when "dem"= idiot it becomes an idiocracy. However if dem=person=animal then indeed it is once again rule to the animals, mainly swine of the Wehshi strain just like good old Altaf Bhai.

After concluding a workshop on "Erectile Dysfunction and home remedies", I was taken to a brothel that had been frequented by the Taliban. They had been scoring heroin on the pimp's tab and now the dealer who is also a local police officer is after him. Till my writing this, he should of made it to Chaman and then into Iran from where he will be heading to North Africa to get into the lucrative Columbia-Senegal-France cocaine chain.

By the way I have come across some really cute Chitrali girls whose fathers are willing to sell them for only Rs 100,000. Will be uploading pics of them soon.

Fuck a Duck !

Thursday, January 14, 2010

So much, so little

Yeah well long time no see. Life is busy for those of us trying to make an honest buck. Has much happened in you sad, pointless lives? I do not think so. For me it has been another adventurous week where I have learned not to trust only books when it comes down to female anatomy. Plus I would like to edit the "Toxicology" section of Goodman's & Gillman's book. However I don't mind "reproducing" the results of my independent research before making any further claims. If you would like to be a part of this trial , you know how to contact me. Volunteers only. All I can compensate you with is my fresh,sweet love and loads of it.

Meanwhile, the Annual Bonfire is coming up. It's been a pathetic disaster the last few years, though honestly last year's thing had been all a bit too blurry on my side to be able to give an objective assessment. Why don't we try something fun this year like BBQing the Falah people, alive? Im sure the class of 012' will be more than happy to take on this endevaour. The rest of you are advised to follow Babar Badman's lead.

Another matter of concern is the hesitancy that surroounds admitting to the face that you cant have enough of me. Dont worry! I have read your collective minds and from now on will try my best to keep updating you guys more regularly.

Fuck a Duck !

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Let's go for the Kill !

After a tremendous display of athletiscm from the TA faculty last night, they are the hot favourites to win the tournament. The '013 showed a dismal performance. I wonder if it was a delibrate attempt to score points with their facilitators for the upcoming sessions. If so, it didnt work at all and be ready for a complete rapping both in the PBLs and the volleyball court tonight !

Fuck a Duck !

Friday, January 1, 2010

Ayesha cries, hides her face

What was the name of that play? No idea.
What was the play about? No idea.
What happened at the end of the play? idea

The play which was meant for "us" the faculty and the guests, but then we let the rest of you people there.

This was displayed for the APPNA ppl. Could you have been more bluntly disrespectul. I was utterly astonished at the juvenile mockery of our distinguished guests and especially the TA faculty. Your all worthless idiotic wannabes.

Then there always two sides to a chestnut. With young luscious women frolicking on stage, some of the senior faculty were saved their Viagra for the drunk orgies they were heading to. Quite a few perverts enjoyed last night as did even the less horny folk.

Notable tits were of Dr TJ which suddenly began expanding before the start of the play. But then there are always two sides to a chestnut.

Comment on the performances:

Amaan thank you for your beautiful display of the Ranian lifestyle which was the only thing bearable in the play and prevented the crowd from jeering the fuck out of the play.

Everyone else was ok. Why were we subjected to a girl with her face hidden and butt exposed sitting in the middle of the stage? But that probably was the only thing that let people bother to stay on till the end and that's the only thing they remember from last night.

P.S: Anthrax is back. Powder first being sprung in the air and then blown about. Have you seen Dr Sher Ali recently?

Enjoy the new year's chestnuts.

Fuck a Duck !