Monday, March 8, 2010

The man who could have everything and did !!


Zardari was lucky enough to end up screwing Benazir and thus excedding even his wildest dreams. A life kings could envy was to follow.

So this was a slight divergence from our continuing analysis of Riaz Sheikh. Well as we earlier mentioned his humble origins, we consider the possibilty of him actually being a bastard child of the farmer's nympho wife and the feudal lord's inbred cousin who spent his life drinking, smoking opium, rapping goats, boys,old hags, basically anythig that had an orifice or could have an orifice made( there was a year when the whole tomato crop mysteriously ended out fucked up??)...

He could of realized this later in life when none of his physical features resembled his father's, but by then the inbred "playboy" had been sodomized to death by a gang of Gujrati criminals ( They are claimed to have been a group associated with the Chadhury brothers and there had been an incident in Lahore involving the czn and a female of the latter's family. Some rumors of a horse being made to rape Moonis Elahi?).

So Riaz Sheikh did have a troubled childhood. He was made to give stranger's blowjobs and watch his mother give them to strangers. His sisters developed a very incestous relationship with their father and that lead to paternal neglect for Riaz. Yet does this justify the billions he has looted from the millions ?

Your comments are more than welcome

Fuck a Duck!

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