Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A new car for this DOG !!

That filthy sodomite Salman Taseer is getting a new Mercedes Benz for around 25 million. In a country already wrecked by poverty and in the midst of a civil war of sorts why is there no concern regarding such extravagance? The news report

above indicates that the PM Gillani has approved the deal. Could this have anything to do with Salman having a video of the former with Sherry Rehman? We all remember the boob squeezing incident at that rally. Or is this compensation for Abdul Qadir Gillani punching some guy in the face and Governor Taseer conveniently "taking care" of the problem.

We'd think that the Democrats in Washington would have more sense than approving aid those these crooks who run this country on behalf of the 180 million Pakis. Or is the establishment out there working behind the scenes with other motives? They dont want to bring a definitive end to the war on terror perhaps? As long as Pakistan is being run by the likes of Zardari and Sharif Brothers there is seriously no hope of bringing an end to this misery.

I must appeal to the United States people and Oprah Winfrey to do something about this unnecessary problem. All that greed is manipulating the US foreign policy and they dont really give a fuck about anyone , including their own!!

The greatest favor the US could do for its "ally" and move towards ending the war on terror properly is get a few top dogs out here in Islamabad and Lahore killed. Get those dudes at Blackwater or similar to do the job. Uncle Sam has done it before. Why not mistakingly drop a nuke on Islamabad when the Parliment, President, PM, Governors and Army chiefs are there? What shall arise from the ashes can in no way be worse than what already is.

The people of Pakistan will perpetually indebted. As for all you Faisal Shahzad wannabe's out there: Get over NYC and flights to Dubai. Just bomb the shit out of the Parliment House in Islamabad or something of the sort. It would be Talibantically Islamic enough to purge the vermin. RAW, Mossad, you know that Pakistan is way more fucked up this way otherwise you would of killed those mfuckers a long long time ago.

Who will coem to save us? By the way has anybody done anything about Zaid Hamid yet?

Fuck a Duck !!

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