Thursday, March 25, 2010

riddle me here, riddle me there

did i not tell you to start signing up to my blog? u damn faggots, each and every1 of u.....well at least blogspot has stopped blocking my account. this aint spam baby,, it hardcore..till next time have a happy pakistan day and a fucking gud weekend..

Fuck a Duck !

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy New Year

We'll they keep marking my blog as spam even though here you will find the most original of material anywhere on the globe. Fuck you motherfuckers for not leaving any comments or stuff.

So it is a new year, spring is upon us and the mercury soars past 40 in Karachi early this year.

Damn the electricity problem here. I hate WAPDA!

Fuck a Duck!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The man who could have everything and did !!


Zardari was lucky enough to end up screwing Benazir and thus excedding even his wildest dreams. A life kings could envy was to follow.

So this was a slight divergence from our continuing analysis of Riaz Sheikh. Well as we earlier mentioned his humble origins, we consider the possibilty of him actually being a bastard child of the farmer's nympho wife and the feudal lord's inbred cousin who spent his life drinking, smoking opium, rapping goats, boys,old hags, basically anythig that had an orifice or could have an orifice made( there was a year when the whole tomato crop mysteriously ended out fucked up??)...

He could of realized this later in life when none of his physical features resembled his father's, but by then the inbred "playboy" had been sodomized to death by a gang of Gujrati criminals ( They are claimed to have been a group associated with the Chadhury brothers and there had been an incident in Lahore involving the czn and a female of the latter's family. Some rumors of a horse being made to rape Moonis Elahi?).

So Riaz Sheikh did have a troubled childhood. He was made to give stranger's blowjobs and watch his mother give them to strangers. His sisters developed a very incestous relationship with their father and that lead to paternal neglect for Riaz. Yet does this justify the billions he has looted from the millions ?

Your comments are more than welcome

Fuck a Duck!

The crooked and crookeder...

So we continue our analysis of Riaz Sheikh and explore the net for more information on this bloke.

Here's a lil bit from across the border:

Lucky Shabina Sheikh. For her silver jubilee she probably got a truck load of jewelry. Riaz has always had a severe psychological weakness, where he feels constantly threatened. He was the son of a farmer working on the fields of a feudal lord. While growing up he constantly must of been seeing what life had to offer if you were rich and powerful, in stark comparison to his own cruel existence in which his growth remained retarded, psychologically and physically.

Fuck a Duck!

Democracy really?

They keep whining like bitches about bringing back "democracy" to Pakistan, however instead they've managed to develop the ideal kleptocracy. Zardari and his pals are making sure that by the time the Bald, Maulvi sodomizing brothers take over they've amassed enough wealth to go and purchase a few royal palaces in Europe and the Middle East.

Just check this guy out, Riaz Sheikh, ( Why is it such a big deal when some random kid dies in a hospital which was ill-equipped or incompetently staffed. Stop going after doctors and do something about the real criminals. Yet you people voted for a couple hundred of pseudo-intellectuals, descendants of traitors from the British era ( they call em feudals), maulvis and the random few cunningly corrupt technocrats who made Zardari they're President. An individual who was corrupt as high was Hendrix's music. Then he brings about his pals with the likes of Salman Taseer and Rehman Malik. We lose valuable capital taking care of the multiple mistresses kept by these guys and they want doctors to be held more accountable.

Riaz Sheikh a gud ol' jail buddyof Zardari ( we can neither acknowledge or deny that he was catering to the latter's cross dresser fetishes) has looted and pillaged the nation at large to provide for his family a life of luxury, comparable to Arabian royalty. We should take his case as a study to see where all this corruption comes from.

Fuck a Duck !

International Women's Day 2010

On the auspicious occasion of International Women's Day, I would like to congratulate all of you who have managed to break through the shackles of male bondage to new liberations.

We will be announcing our "Women of the Year" Award results soon so stay tuned.

Fuck a Duck !