Greetings my minions!!
I speak to you these words from the height of the Hindu-kash mountains. Indeed reaching a higher altitude has somewhat cleared my head a bit and made me make some interesting realizations. Man is Animal and that Animal is Dog.
I recently participated in the by-election held in Swat NA-420. Democracy has returned to our valley but when "dem"= idiot it becomes an idiocracy. However if dem=person=animal then indeed it is once again rule to the animals, mainly swine of the Wehshi strain just like good old Altaf Bhai.
After concluding a workshop on "Erectile Dysfunction and home remedies", I was taken to a brothel that had been frequented by the Taliban. They had been scoring heroin on the pimp's tab and now the dealer who is also a local police officer is after him. Till my writing this, he should of made it to Chaman and then into Iran from where he will be heading to North Africa to get into the lucrative Columbia-Senegal-France cocaine chain.
By the way I have come across some really cute Chitrali girls whose fathers are willing to sell them for only Rs 100,000. Will be uploading pics of them soon.
Fuck a Duck !